Tutoring Centre for Primary and High School Students | Phoenix Education

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The Power of Small Class Sizes: A Deep Dive into the Benefits of Small Class Tutoring

When it comes to learning environments, smaller often means mightier. Educational research consistently highlights the advantages of small class sizes, particularly when it comes to personalised learning settings like tutoring. With an optimal number of just six students, tutoring sessions can transform educational outcomes. This blog post explores the multifaceted benefits of this approach, backed by solid research.

Enhanced Individual Attention

One of the most significant benefits of a small class size is the increased individual attention each student receives. In a study published by the National Education Policy Center, researchers found that smaller class sizes lead to higher academic achievement, primarily because instructors can tailor their teaching strategies to meet each student's unique needs. In a six-person class, tutors have more opportunities to observe and respond to the learning styles and difficulties of each student, which can be pivotal in subjects that require a lot of hands-on guidance, such as mathematics or languages.

Improved Student Participation

With fewer students, each one has more opportunities to participate in discussions and activities. This engagement is crucial for building confidence and critical thinking skills. Students in smaller classes are significantly more likely to participate in lessons and are less likely to feel overlooked—a common issue in larger classrooms. This active participation fosters a more inclusive and collaborative learning environment.

Better Peer Interactions

Smaller groups facilitate deeper connections among peers, which can lead to enhanced learning. According to research, students in smaller classes report better relationships with their peers, which can be attributed to the increased opportunities for interaction and collaboration. These relationships not only make learning more enjoyable but also enhance communication skills, crucial for academic and professional success.

Tailored Feedback and Assessment

In a six-person class, tutors can provide more detailed and specific feedback to students, a key component in effective learning strategies. This tailored feedback helps students understand their progress and areas needing improvement without the long wait typical of larger classes. Immediate and personalised feedback from a tutor can dramatically enhance a student’s learning curve.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Smaller classes tend to create a less stressful environment for students, allowing them to express themselves and learn at their own pace. Research indicates that students in smaller groups experience lower levels of anxiety and stress, which are often precipitated by the competitive and impersonal nature of larger educational settings. A calm and supportive environment is especially beneficial for students who may be shy or struggle with larger group dynamics.

Increased Flexibility in Teaching

Tutors of small groups can more easily adjust the pace of teaching and the curriculum to better suit the collective and individual needs of the students. This flexibility allows for the integration of different learning aids and pedagogical strategies, such as project-based learning or flipped classrooms, which might be less feasible in larger class settings.


The research is clear: smaller class sizes, like those comprising six students, offer profound benefits that can dramatically enhance the educational experience and outcomes for students. This personalised approach not only boosts academic performance but also supports emotional and social development, crafting a holistic educational journey that larger classes struggle to provide.

For parents, students, and educational institutions, investing in small group tutoring is a decision that pays dividends in academic success and student well-being. By fostering a nurturing and attentive educational environment, small class sizes unlock the potential of every student, preparing them for the challenges of the future.